Jul 16, 2017

3 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Draw More Often


Children’s drawings are a useful tool when it comes to monitoring their development and getting an insight into what goes on in their little minds. While drawing and artwork is a fun activity for kids and many little ones will draw and color in pictures that are simply just for fun, you can find out a lot about a child from the pictures that they create on paper of themselves, their family members, and experiences in their life. For example, children from stable, well-functioning families tend to draw happy photos of their family members together, while children growing up in less stable, more chaotic homes tend to draw family members further apart or depict sad or angry faces. On the other hand, the way a child draws themselves can tell you a lot about their self-esteem; for example, if they are bigger than everybody else on the page, this usually indicates a good level of security. Encouraging your child to draw more will not only give them an outlet for their creativity, it can also facilitate better communication and give them a means to share their thoughts and ideas with you. Here are some fun ways to encourage your little one to draw more.

Is a friend or relative’s birthday approaching? Or has somebody done something nice for your child, and they want to say ‘thank you’? Maybe you’re going to a wedding and your little one wants to draw a picture to say congratulations.

Oftentimes, when a child takes the time to draw and carefully color in or paint a picture for you, they will be very proud of their creation. On the other hand, children with lower self-esteem might come looking for validation and praise from mom or dad. Giving your child’s artwork pride of place in the home, for example having it on your refrigerator or even framing a picture to hang on the wall, will really encourage them to remain in touch with their artistic side.

Lastly, to encourage your child to create more of their own unique artwork, you should make sure that they have access to the materials that they need. Depending on the developmental stage that they’re at, this could be as simple as keeping a supply of paper and crayons, to investing in more professional artwork supplies for an older child.

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